DIANA Containerships, a company that owns and operates ships, has signed, via two subsidiaries, an agreement to buy two 6,500-TEU vessels.
The 2006-built Puelo and Pucon were bought for US$47 million each. The sellers are expected to deliver the Puelo by the end of August and the Pucon in mid-September.
Both will be chartered to Compania Sud Americana de Vapores (CSAV) headquartered in Valparaiso, Chile, for a minimum of 18 months to a maximum of 30 months at a gross charter rate of US$27,900 per day less US$150 per day commission paid to third parties.
Including the two new vessels, Diana Containerships' fleet will consist of 10 units, including two postpanamax and eight panamax ships.
Asian Shipper News