Maersk Line announced an increase in its piracy risk surcharges imposed earlier on containers moving between the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, Europe and Central/South America, starting May 1.
The revised surcharge on cargo shipped to and from the Indian subcontinent, Red Sea, Europe and the Mediterranean will be $110 per 40-foot equivalent unit.
For the trade between the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, Red Sea, Central America, the Caribbean and South America East Coast, the new surcharge will be $170 per FEU.
Also on the trade between the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, Red Sea and the West Coast of South America, the company will boost its prevailing surcharge to $170 per FEU.
The Middle East-Red Sea-Indian subcontinent trade will attract an increased surcharge of $70 per FEU.
The Journal of Commerce Online