THE 11,388-TEU CMA CGM Libra has become one of the largest container ships to enter the Asia-US trade lane, after the vessel joined the Transpacific VSA Loop 2.
The service is jointly operated by CMA CGM and MSC. It is branded Bohai by CMA CGM and New Orient Express by MSC.
The CMA CGM Libra was replaced in early November by the 16,020-TEU CMA CGM Marco Polo on the Asia-Europe FAL 1 service, and then spent three weeks in dry dock in China for planned maintenance and mandatory classification hull checks, reports Alphaliner.
It said that the total capacity of the world's idle fleet as at November 19 stands at 768,000 TEU, excluding the ships in planned general repairs (GR), which aggregate 250,000 TEU.
Asian Shipper News