The European Union (EU) regulation to provide Advance Cargo Declaration will become mandatory on 1st January 2011, for all goods arriving or transiting in the European Community.
These regulations apply to all import cargo entering the EU regardless of the eventual destination of the cargo; this will include all freight remaining on board to non EU destinations and transhipments.
For non EU import cargo, the safety and security legislation is being implemented by the introduction of the “Import Control System” (ICS) across the European Union (EU). ICS requires carriers (or their authorised representatives / 3rd parties) to provide electronic pre-arrival information, in a specified format.
This pre-arrival information is submitted in a declaration, known as an “Entry Summary Declaration” (ENS) and will include, amongst other things, details which identify; the cargo, the traders involved in the movement, the vessel and the envisaged route into and across the EU.
The Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) must be sent to the Customs at the first port of entry into the EU, irrespective if those goods are due to be discharged at that port or not. For deep sea containerised cargo the ENS must be submitted at least 24 hours prior to loading to the vessel that will bring the cargo into the EU (i.e. the Mother vessel). Shorter time limits exist for “short sea” sailings (non EU ports with short transit time to EU) and road/rail movements.